Jumat, 20 Maret 2009

//prudent on me

i was sit in ma chair out oF ma home..
to a cLoser Look..
where'd u go??

"sometimes when u Look at the sky
there's no star..
but don't u know
i's hidden behind - maybe
and when u switch view

the bright is shown for u

have i Look the star???"....

- LittLe self-defense

i was Like a moonLess night. Very dark,
but there were stars—points of Light and reason…

And then you shot across my sky Like a meteor.

SuddenLy everything was on fire; there was briLLiancy,

there was beauty.
When you were gone -
when the meteor had faLLen over the horizon..

everything went black.
Nothing had changed,
but my eyes were bLinded by the Light.
I couLdn't see the stars anymore.
And there was no more reason for anything..

i taLk 2 myseLf " hey..
but when the moment to change
comes in aLL its dazzLing
you stiLL seem to know what time it is,
despite a history"

weLL,, I'LL try to more prudent

i mayn't hate u - whoever u're
no reason ..
no backdrop
u just in my history..
-will be remembered .. unreachabLe ..-

because it struck you as true
because it struck you as accurate

sorry, QQ

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